
Today made it official, kinda set in stone type thing because I got a non-refundable one way ticket to Missoula, Montana! It has been in the works for the last couple weeks but this makes it so real. I have been yearning to work with an organization that helps others overcome their hurts, habits and hangups. I desired to use my life experience to help others and bring glory to God. Gods timing is not our own ! There were many roads I had to walk down until this most amazing door opened up! It feels surreal to have others excited and anticipating my arrival so much they are painting and getting ready for me. I’m at a lose for words…

So instead I will tell you more about my opportunity! I will be doing a year internship with an organization called Teen Challenge. This ministry is a Christian based organization that helps people free themselves from addictions. They don’t just deal with the addiction but the underlying things that lead to the addiction. I will be helping wherever needed monitoring calls, helping in the classes and transporting the women to their jobs. This Teen Challenge has a thrift store and coffee shop that the women work at and I am so excited about! I spent some time in SC working at a consignment shop so I know God prepared me with that experience! And I have always wanted to have a coffee shop so I’m super ecstatic to be a part of all this! It is going to be a busy time as along with working full time I will be taking their online classes. However by the end of the year I will be able to be a counselor in any Teen Challenge nationally or internationally! I have also always wanted to be a counselor and help others but didn’t want the school debt that would go along with that plus I’m not the best at traditional schooling!

This is the road that God has me heading down and I hope that you will continue the journey with me as I write about all this new stuff!

God bless and Merry Christmas!